How to make Valentine's Day less about the chocolate and more about the love??
For those of us trying to have less sugar and not more ;) What is the purpose of Valentine's Day? To eat desserts and buy roses? Sometimes it seems like it is, based on the ads and chatter around us. But what is the day really for? LOVE. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE. Now I know that doesn't take the chocolates out of the office, or perhaps your kitchen, but maybe this can help our perception (and further, our sugar intake) this day/week... Let's talk about some ways we can focus on the true meaning of this day: -When you feel the pull of the candy dish, put your hand onto your phone instead and send a note to someone to say you care. -When tempted by the 50% off chocolates tomorrow at Target, call someone and talk about how they have impacted your life for the better while you walk in the other direction. -If you are given something sweet, go ahead and treat yourself a bit if you want, but try to keep in mind that the sugar rush won't make us happy-- it is the thought behind the gift from the person who made it/sent it. -It's okay to not eat the whole heart. 20 pieces of chocolate? Keep a few, give away or toss the rest. I'm not a wasteful person, but this is about our health! -Instead of going for drinks or dessert, how about going for a walk or other activity? Ice skating, indoor rock climbing, a concert, an outdoor sculpture garden...there are more ideas around us than we often realize! Sugar is sneaky-- The more we have it, the more we want it. It is hard to take it out of our diets, but when we do, our whole being is stronger for it. Moods lift, energy comes back, the list goes on. Despite what the media promotes, we can focus on those we LOVE today. Writing a card. Sending a note. Picking up the phone. Going for a walk with someone. There are so many ways to bring the love back to the forefront. (And sure, the pretty roses help a bit, too ;) ) How do you celebrate this day?