Have you ever noted the connection between your home organization and your health? It's a huge correlation, and I loved getting the chance to talk with home organization expert Laurie Palau about it all on her podcast, This Organized Life! From the show notes by Laurie:
During our conversation, Kate and I discuss:
Looking back now, I wish I had a different perspective on what fitness looked like and how I could fit it into my life. Hope you enjoy this discussion. There are so many parallels between a calm home, our mental health, and taking steps forward for our physical health. Would love to hear your comments. Reach out to me on Insta @be.bykate or by the contact form above!
You never know the path a meeting will take...
Years and years ago, I was in a crowded audition room with a girl who had just moved to NYC. We started talking and saw each other at various auditions over the years. Skip to 2020, and she has started a podcast with a fabulous newsletter attached called The Luxury of Self Care. She has been delivering inspirational and practical episodes, with wonderful reminders and tricks to add self care into our every day-- because we can't take care of others until we take care of ourselves. When Ahnastasia asked me to be a guest, I of course said yes without hesitation. We had a great chat about how to take steps to become a healthier you in mind and body, and, as I harp on over and over, how EVERY BIT COUNTS! Hope you enjoy this episode while taking a walk around the block or taking some deep breaths with a cup of herbal tea in-hand... Some Good News, Week 2 Saying there is a lot going on right now is an understatement. Whether seeing it first-hand or on the news, we know we need to make some major changes in our country. What are some words at the heart of what needs to happen? LOVE ACCEPTANCE UNDERSTANDING LISTENING EDUCATION Did I mention LOVE? In sharing the below segment, I am not ignoring the issues happening. But with all the frustrations and anger, it is also good to give yourself moments to look to the happy things still happening around us. So here's a five(ish) minute reminder of the good that can happen when we keep LOVE and the other above values at the heart of our actions. Anyone else sad when John Krasinski told us there were to be no more episodes of Some Good News to look forward to this year? John's SGN may be gone for now, but good news doesn't have to stop....so just wanted to continue to share positive news... Hope it brings a smile :) RUNNING ON EMPTY WITH HEADSPACE Wanted to recommend this guided run today, as it was just what I needed on my Easter morning run yesterday and hopefully you can put it in your back pocket to use when it can be of help to you, too. How often is it the thought of the task ahead that is worse than the actual doing of the task? How often do we not feel like working out but are thrilled with the feeling we have when we have accomplished it? I can teach four bootcamp classes in a day and go to auditions in between---But tell me to run for twenty minutes and the task seems HUGE. We all have our strong suits ;) Yesterday, I knew physically I could do a run. But mentally I 'just didn't feel like it'. Classic. As I looked through what to listen to on my run, this popped up-- Running on Empty from the Nike Run Club app I use to track when I run. My plan was 'at least run for ten minutes' then walk. Well then the Nike coaches got in my head, which translated to my feet, and I kept going. By the time I hit 20, and the whole Guided Run was 32 minutes, I was thinking to myself, I have to share this with people. Well then I couldn't cop out at 20, I needed to finish the run. Maybe for you it is a walk, or a bike ride, or an online class. Whatever your exercise of choice, before stopping early ask yourself: is my body needing to stop, or is it my mind wanting to stop? (Some quick workout ideas here.) How have you been doing? Are you getting in your fitness this April so far? xo Kate John Krasinski's SOME GOOD NEWS
Leslie Jordan's Instagram
The sweetness of Disney Plus
ALL ages can benefit from the feel-good vibes all over this streaming service! So far, we have watched Onward, Lady & the Tramp, Frozen II, Encore, and Three Men & A Baby. I recommend all of them.
Your L. L. Bean Boyfriend
https://yourllbeanboyfriend.tumblr.com/ See below. Need I say more? ;-D Thanks to my friend Allison for this gem...
Clicking on Facebook of Google Photos and scrolling a bit....
Looking at old photos is a way I love to bring a smile to my face!
Persistence 360 Podcast
with Mark Malkoff I'm lucky enough to know this man through a good friend, and he is an awesome person. He's insanely creative and constantly positive. This podcast, as well as his other works if you simply type his name into YouTube, is sure to bring a smile-- and some laughs and motivation, too! https://persistence360.com/?fbclid=IwAR3h-xUJn2OmKB8xlXnKkuYi2mH-KiyJCM_q3MKXadu5JqL-tFaaB8zCjMA
Happy. At a retirement home. Just trust me, watch it...
And yes, the sidebar will be filled with equally adorable smile-inducing videos...
"The 22 Best TED Talks For Inspiration" according to Greatist
It's a couple of years old so I'm sure there are way more, but Go to town: https://greatist.com/health/ted-talks-inspiration#1
Dancing Chuck
Visit: BIT OF INSPIRATION for more!
According to the official about: "Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with SuperSoul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self." My version: A library jam-packed with stories and thoughts to lift you up. Why: I came across an episode on Dwayne Johnson, the Rock, and listened one day. I felt so motivated. To get where he is despite the challenges along the way... great listen. He seems like an all-around positive person, too, which I always appreciate. Then started to explore who else Oprah interviewed on this series....so many! There is an episode on the Five Love Languages, one with Malcolm Gladwell about Talking to Strangers, one on accepting 'Troubled Times' with Eckhart Tolle....the list goes on and on! Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, and Tina Fey, My Life in Focus, are all on my 'listen next' list. Where to find: - Stitcher, a free podcast app - iTunes - YouTube - Just plain 'Google it', and you'll find options! Some quotes from episodes: “When you see the child in others it gives you permission to see the child in yourself and creates space for real transformation.” Shaka Senghor "We can't ask people to give to us something that we do not believe we're worthy of receiving." Brene Brown "I define happiness as the joy you feel growing toward your potential." Shawn Achor
Taught a specialty barre class tonight and thought I'd share the playlist-- maybe it will inspire your next workout!
These two teaming up for an inspiring interview!
Great 'listen while you workout' piece. What are your thoughts? Favorite quotes? I love many, but here is one: 'How can I make room for both striving and self-acceptance?' :) We are all 'in creative fields' in one way or another. Life itself is a creative project no matter how your career is categorized.
Creative Mornings publishes a podcast on a variety of topics. Great to listen while you workout: https://creativemornings.com/podcast How much of society accepts less than their best? And I don’t just mean in day-to-day things, as I know I am not always performing my best, be it time management, a class, etc., but more in terms of accepting life. People yearn for the other side’s ‘grass’ so to say. We can all take steps to make our own grass greener right here. Yes, limitations are all around us, but opportunities also exist all around to take steps in a positive direction. Book of inspiration for today’s post: David J. Schwartz’s THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG Here are Schwartz’s Six Steps for developing and strengthening our creative thinking ability:
Awesome already, and this is just one excerpt. Here are some of his other quips (worth printing some and taping to your bathroom mirror, no?): Cure Yourself of Exusitus, the Failure Disease Build Confidence and Destroy Fear
“Being confident in yourself is another way of banishing your fear. Confidence is not something that people are born with, it is developed; And developing it requires a little effort on your part. The best way to build confidence is the “fake it ’till you make it” approach. In other words, to think confidently, act confidently. Schwartz quotes the great psychologist Dr. George W. Crane who said, “Remember, motions are the precursors of emotions. You can’t control the latter directly but only through your choice of motions or actions…Go through the proper motions each day and you’ll soon begin to feel the corresponding emotions!” This example can best be seen with smiling. It’s hard to feel sad if you try to smile as hard as you can. [Go ahead try it ] The same holds true with confidence. It’s hard to be shy and uneasy if your body is telling you you’re confident.” [excerpted from LifeTrainingOnline] You Are What You Think You Are THINK BIG If you are liking the sound of this book, I recommend listening to the audio version while working out! It’s great cover to cover. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! Here's to YOU! Kate And some of the bits I’ve highlighted in my book over the years:
“…success is determined not so much by the size of a person’s brain as by the size of his thinking.” “Some of the most practical success-building wisdom is found in that Biblical quotation stating that faith can move mountains.” “Believe you can succeed and you will.” “And believing you can succeed makes others place confidence in you.” “1. We underestimate our own brain power, and 2. We overestimate the other fellow’s brain power.” “Smile big.” “Be a ‘front seater’.” “Most of them seem to define the word success as synonymous with security.” Those who have less, Giving more. Short but powerful watch today: GIVE.
A playlist that keeps me going when running or at the gym!
I'll share more over the upcoming weeks! What are some of your favorite songs to attack the day with? I love recommendations! |