Stir crazy? Sure, it happens. Boredom? I don’t know...really? There is so much to do, read, watch, and learn in this world, how could one ever be bored? Paralysis from the unknown, Not knowing where to start, Overwhelmed, Tired, Unmotivated … Ask yourself what it really is. Is it really boredom? Or is it that there are indeed plenty of books available to read, work to start on, documentaries to watch, or push ups to do, and it is one of these other ‘things’? First step is to identify the ‘why’ of these feelings. Then you can move forward… Stir crazy- perhaps a walk will do you good. You know what you can be doing, it’s just that you are going nuts stuck in the same place. Leave it. Go walk, breathe, drink some water, then come back. Tired- take a nap. Give yourself a break. Have a huge glass of water, ideally with electrolytes (Nuun is a personal favorite, but if you have others, lmk!) Think about how you have (or have not) been sleeping. What can you do to help this? Resources here. If it is ‘un-motivation’ that is making you feel tired despite great sleep… try that walk, a fitness class (so many free online-- I’m doing Pilates T & F weekly at 12pm est if you’d like to join in on FB live), watch a Youtube video that motivates. Not knowing where to start and/or Overwhelmed- write down everything you can think of on a list. Don’t worry about an item being ‘right’ or how big or small it is, just put everything down. Then do 20 jumping jacks, 20 push-ups, just step away from the list a minute. Then go back-- New list: What from the first list really needs (or you have a burning desire) to be done in the next month. Take a minute away (or however long) Then go back-- New list: What are the top two items on this list that are the most pressing and important. One more item: what is the most fun/the item you are looking most forward to? Now you have just three items. Try starting a ‘hard’ task first. Put on a timer for 25 minutes (thanks to Barbara Barna Abel for this great tip). Attack just that for 25 minutes. 25 minutes. That’s all you have to commit to! If you go longer, awesome. If not, no worries-- you still got a solid start on that task. Then go ahead and do the ‘fun’ task next. Paralysis from unknown-- that’s a heavier one, but look at the above suggestions. All three points have actionable items to help your mind and mood. Try any or all and see if it helps in even the slightest. I strongly believe it will. There are also so many resources for stress and anxiety relief to be found online for free. Some favorites: -Insight Timer -Yoga for Anxiety & Stress Relief: Yoga with Adrienne has a bunch of great videos -Talk to someone. Call a friend, a therapist, someone positive. -Online resources: ALWAYS find gratitude. Despite any and all negatives, there always positives somewhere. If this post helps even one person find more joy and contentment during this time, then it has been worth writing. Sending love, Kate P.S. Try this easy challenge. Granted we are not physically around people right now, but a phone call, text, card, smile all go a long way :)
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