"The best way out is always through." -Robert Frost How many situations does Robert Frost's thought apply? I'll let you answer that on your own :) Right now, it is glaringly real that COVID is here in full and we cannot escape it. It hit and continues to hit areas across the globe. When I read the above quote, somehow I immediately take a big breath. Yes. That is the only way out of this. Why does that feel like a tiny dose of relief? We still have the same problems as before that breath. Still the same fear and confusion. I don't know, it just gives a bit of an answer, such a simple one at that, and only a tiny piece of a gigantic puzzle, but it says, hey look, you can't go back. You can't just sit still. You can't even go sideways. You have to see what is right in front of you and keep moving forward. Life does not stop for us. We may be confined to home, but we are still moving forward. We can't run from the issues. They will find us wherever we run. We have to go through them to get them behind us. And behind us they WILL get. We are surrounded by COVID cases, unknown information, false information.... We can do our absolute best to protect ourselves from it, but we can't fully hide, because the virus could find us anywhere. But we will get past this. And the only way out is through. So we buckle down, focus as best we can each day to be grateful for what we have, to take care of ourselves and family, and to be aware of what needs to get done to continue to put one foot in front of the other. If you are an essential worker, then the extent of that to-do list outside of work may be to shower, eat, and get a bit of exercise or a nap. That is enough. You are getting through. Perhaps you are unemployed and have goals you are working toward, and you are taking one step at a time in the right direction to get to them. Awesome. Keep moving forward. Step by little-or-big step. You are getting through: both through this time in our lives, and through the challenges to reach your goals. Perhaps you are taking care of a child 24/7, but you are remembering to breathe, drink water, eat, care for yourself even just a little bit. Great. You are getting through: both through this time in our lives, and through raising a child. The list goes on! Do what you need to do each day- tears may ensue, screaming may happen, meltdowns may occur. It's okay. What IS this insane time we are all experiencing right now?? But, we are waking up each day, taking stock of the good things in our lives, and seeing how we can take those steps in the right direction each day. Getting through. You're doing great. Take a deep breath, and here's to finding some bright spots in today, Kate Like having a weekly goal to focus on to help in moving forward? |